All ductwork and ventilation systems can build up unwanted dust and associated debris which can cause harm to the building’s users. A regular programme of cleaning and maintenance can reduce sickness, and absenteeism, create a healthier working environment and also reduce your costs as dirty systems will be less efficient.
What is also a big concern is the very real threat to building managers of prosecution if they don’t comply with Regulations and associated Approved Code of Practice from the Health and Safety Commission which states that all mechanical ventilation systems should be regularly and properly cleaned, tested and maintained to ensure that they are kept clean and free from anything which may contaminate the air.
Impact hygiene use a variety of cleaning methods, dependant on the job, from extraction devices along with specialised mechanical brushes, air jets and manual methods, Hygiene Contracts can remove all types of contamination and where microbiological contamination is an identified issue we can introduce biocidal cleaning.
Impact Hygiene can ensure this by providing a complete duct cleaning service in accordance with Document TR19, the leading guidance document issued by the B&ES Association
We can offer a free survey, and report of your system, and provide a bespoke duct, and fan cleaning service. We can also provide replacement filters, and fit access panels in order to inspect and clean your system. All our work is insurance compliant
Impact Hygiene will also provide: